Our expertise


  Web development


Java and .NET
  Allintel has extensive knowledge of both worlds! And we are Sun certified.

.NET   Java    


Be successful in your web development
Web development - Allintel has years of experience in web-related solutions. The extensive knowledge gained from our field projects enables us to recommend the best industry standards.


With our expertise of both ASP.NET and J2EE (we are Java Sun certified) we have gathered requirements, scoped, designed and implemented highly sophisticated solutions including:

  • MicroStrategy Web customization
  • Portal development (intra and extranet)
  • Back-end integration (database, business processes)
  • Enterprise reporting solutions
  • Security architecture and implementation
  • Single sign-on
  • Web services deployment
  • Integration with mapping software
  • Dashboard design and implementation

We have created successful solutions using a wide range of technologies to provide the best approach to meet our customers specific business requirements. You can find an extensive list of our technical knowledge here.